Customer stories

Phygital fusion: Bridging the gap between physical and digital shopping

A first-of-its-kind shopping experience in Dubai. Discover how and Adyen has taken shopping in the UAE to the next level.

30 January, 2024
 ·  8 minutes

Over 80 million tourists come to visit Dubai's lavish malls every year. Malls in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are known for being global magnets for shoppers. Now, a first-of-its-kind shopping experience by has taken shopping in the UAE to the next level. As the first phygital store in the Gulf, the flagship store sets a new standard for modern retail. Customers can enjoy the convenience of online shopping while still having the option to physically try on items in the store's smart fitting rooms. 

6thstreet shopping experience

How is revolutionizing retail via Adyen’s platform

Gone are the days when shoppers need to search through endless racks for the right size. seamlessly integrates online shopping with flawless in-person shopping experiences by mixing the digital and physical. Customers can visit the store, relax on a comfortable couch, and browse from standalone tablets. After selecting their choices from a range of over 1,200 fashion brands like Nike, Calvin Klein, Dune London, and more. They can try them on in the smart fitting rooms where their chosen items are waiting.

The result is a shopping experience that is efficient and enjoyable. x Adyen: A match made in innovation is on a quest to provide an exceptional shopping experience to customers. But what was looking for in a payments partner?

  1. All for one and for all

gateway, risk management, in-person payments, all in one

2. The right mPOS terminal

busting the queues and looking good at the same time 

3. The need for speed

Where the ease as well as the speed of integration were key

1. Unified Commerce solution: All for one and for all

In the beginning, was looking at different payment partners for gateway services, risk management, and online and in-person payment channels. But why manage several partners when one platform can do it all?

Adyen’s Unified Commerce solution seamlessly links offline and in-person payment channels. Our single platform allows for a frictionless checkout experience,  has fraud prevention built in, and provides gateway services. 

And just like a jigsaw puzzle, captured the big picture by using Adyen’s tools to put the pieces in place.

2. mPOS terminal solution: Busting queues

When listing the “wow” factors of online and in-person shopping experiences, busting the queue was on top of the list. Absence of queues is a major convenience of shopping online, so why should shoppers sacrifice it when they shop in physical stores?

This is why opted for mPOS terminals as their go-to payment systems in order to eliminate queues.

mPOS terminals not only reduce costs, but also simplify store operations letting the staff focus on providing a great shopping experience without carrying multiple hardware devices. 

After looking at all their options, the clear winner was Adyen's Android S1E terminal as it seamlessly integrated with Oracle Xstore. The S1E terminal is an all-in-one device that serves as a cash register and a Point-of-Sale system, eliminating the need for multiple devices. Its sleek, yet durable design allows It to be carried around the store enabling the staff to take payments wherever needed, whilst improving payment handling and overall efficiency.

3. Fast integration: The Need for Speed wanted to leverage their first-to-market advantage to establish a strong market position They had a gap in the market and wanted to launch their vision before other retailers, so speed and agility were critical.  

Adyen was able to meet their need for speed by quickly implementing Android’s mPOS terminals. The store was ready to welcome shoppers to the new fledgling phygital experience in a matter of weeks.

Future collaboration

1. Uncover customer behavior can leverage payments data to gain insights into purchasing behaviors by running their payments on our single platform. They get access to comprehensive data about how much revenue was generated per sales channel and what payment methods were used. Unifying data from all sales channels and markets will give a better understanding of each customer's behavior and preferences. This information can guide marketing efforts, tailor product offering to individual shoppers, and improve the overall customer experience.

2. Revamping customer loyalty 

By linking loyalty programs to actual payments, doesn’t have to rely on physical loyalty cards to further enhance the customer experience. Shoppers gain loyalty points without having to download an app or present a card.These seamless experiences will ensure that shoppers never miss a single reward point. That in itself is an experience that shoppers will appreciate, guaranteeing their return.

Pioneering the future of shopping 

The partnership between and Adyen is pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of retail. Together, we’re building a brighter future for phygital retail. and customers can't wait to see what's next.

By understanding the power of payments, a new level of customer satisfaction can be unlocked. Retailers can gain an edge over competitors and accelerate their growth by leveraging payments data insights, offering sleek payment terminals, and creating an attractive rewards program. 

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