Guides and reports

The benefits of embedded payments for your platform business

Epos Now, Lightspeed, SKIDATA, and Zenoti explain how embedded payments can help you manage your own funding flows, deliver speedy payouts, and earn revenue on each transaction.

15 January, 2024
 ·  6 minutes

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many SaaS platforms catering to in-person businesses (like spas and restaurants) drew a deep breath and prepared for difficult times. Yet, while the past couple of years haven’t been easy, SaaS platform businesses have been busier than ever.

That’s because many small businesses used the lull induced by lockdowns to digitise. This was partly driven by the short-term need for survival; many having to pivot to online services to stay afloat. But it was also driven by a long-term strategy of improving business efficiencies and agility by moving to the cloud.

As a result, SaaS platforms are enjoying rapid growth. But they’re also facing the challenge of remaining competitive as well as scaling and future-proofing their own businesses. One way to achieve this is through embedded platform payments and we’ll explain how in this article.

But first…

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