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It’s time to optimize your mobile checkout

Discover best practices to optimize your mobile checkout and improve mobile checkout conversion.

20 August, 2023
 ·  6 minutes

Mobile shopping is the top choice for consumers and is predicted to comprise 70% of all ecommerce sales by 2024. Many shoppers invest considerable time browsing for the right product. Once they find the product they want and proceed to the payment stage, they often face a complicated checkout consisting of multiple redirects and unfamiliar payment methods. Many businesses invest a lot in creating a user-friendly app or website while neglecting to optimize the checkout page. This often leads to failed payments and frustrated shoppers who don’t complete the payment, despite investing significant time in finding the desired product.

Did you know that 17% of cart abandonment is due to long and complicated checkout processes? These checkout processes consist of multiple redirects and often lack fast checkout options, ways to store card and shipping details, and enough or the right payment methods. 

It’s no longer a matter of supporting mobile; you need to do it right. This means optimizing your mobile checkout by creating dedicated interfaces for in-app and browser checkouts, offering fast checkout options, and enhancing the experience with security solutions. These best practices can enhance the overall experience, increase conversion, and improve customer retention.

Before we dive deeper into the best practices, let’s quickly recap the basics.

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