Hospitality Report 2024

Checking in with the hotel industry

Using insights and experts from across the hospitality industry, our latest report uncovers what today’s guests expect. Plus, how financial technology can help hotels provide a five-star experience while maintaining the highest standards of payments safety and security.







Looking ahead

The hospitality industry never stands still. There are new markets to explore, new guests to host, and new trends to capitalise on. At the start of 2024, over 6,000 new hotels were under construction worldwide, with another 3,800 planned over the course of the year. And next year, hotel booking value worldwide is forecast to exceed $1 trillion for the first time.

But there are challenges ahead. Fraud is on the rise. Labour shortages continue. Operational costs keep increasing.

Hospitality is an industry that prides itself on exceeding guests’ needs. Can technology bridge the challenge and the opportunity?

Key findings:


of guests are concerned about the risk of fraud when booking


of hotels believe they are fully PCI compliant


of hotels said their business has experienced an increase in payment fraud attack attempts in the past year


of hotels said that reconciliation and associated admin was holding back business ambition


said their reconciliation process was fully automated

A seamless experience

What are guests’ expectations in 2024?

No two travellers are alike. When booking some will focus on price, others on location. They might be loyal to a particular brand or swayed by the five-star reviews. But they want finding and booking to be stress-free.


think a seamless experience is important when choosing a hotel, from booking to check-in and check-out


dropped out of booking a hotel because they haven't been able to pay the way they like

The expectation of a frictionless experience extends to payment methods, with guests wanting the same level of options in paying as they do in choosing. In fact, 65% of guests have a preferred online payment method.

Most popular online payment methods


said digital wallets


said in-app payments


said Pay by Bank


said BNPL

Today’s guests aren’t just comparing hotels by their spa services or the quality of their room service. They’re looking at whether they can pay the way they want. So how do hotels stack up against the expectations of guests? 

How hotels view payments:


agree offering a variety of payment options for guests is important


plan to accept more payment methods this year


plan to provide international payment methods (e.g. WeChat or Pix)

The travel industry is embracing BNPL. Is it time for hotels to catch up?

While airlines and cruises have started to adopt Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) hotels have been slower to see the benefits. That allowed online travel agencies (OTAs) to take the lead. Remember 32% of guests told us they have dropped out of a hotel booking process because they haven't been able to pay the way they would like, with 11% going to a competitor.

While BNPL is still emerging as a popular payment trend, it does have particular resonance for travellers. 

When booking a trip, 35% of guests don’t like to pay upfront and 37% say greater payment options would support them making bigger purchases for travel. With just 24% of hotels offering BNPL, there’s an opportunity for businesses to provide the flexibility their guests are looking for.

A seamless experience is about more than the booking process:


want free cancelation up to 24 hours before check in


of Baby Boomers consider free cancelation a must vs 48% of Gen Z

It’s just one example of how the pandemic has changed the hospitality industry and how guest expectations continue to evolve.

"In today's hospitality landscape, a seamless guest experience is more than just convenience—it's a strategic advantage. By integrating payments across PMS and POS systems, hospitality businesses are empowered to meet evolving guest expectations, streamline operations, and create a unified, frictionless experience that tomorrow's traveler demands."

James Montague Senior Director, Integrations & Security, Shiji

How Adyen can help deliver a seamless experience

The hospitality industry runs on an alphabet of software providers, from PMS and PoS to OTAs and CM. Adyen brings them all together to provide a unique, fully-integrated unified commerce experience.

We’re proud of the relationships we’ve built throughout the industry. Because we don’t just work with hospitality leaders, we partner with them. At last year’s Oracle Partner Awards we were honoured to accept the Global Technology Partner Award, created to celebrate companies that have “innovated, enabled business impact, and delivered customer success across the Oracle partner ecosystem”.

"When we partnered with Adyen, we had several websites in different countries. Our ambition was to build a single platform for the whole group as well as a mobile app and, above all, to improve our omnichannel management. It was important for us to have a partner who could help us merge all of our payment transactions and help us to offer the smoothest and simplest experience possible."

Vincent Deriot CTO of Innovation, B&B Hotels

71% of hotels work with three or more payment providers

Traditionally hospitality has lacked the technology resources that would be expected in other industries, relying on third-party products rather than developing their own in-house. Legacy providers dominate, with outdated technology. Manual processes lead to human error. Processes are fragmented, with hotel groups operating in different regions using multiple providers.

As well as being inconvenient, this can affect guests’ confidence – as we’ll see in the next chapter.

A secure experience

What can hotels do to put guests’ minds at rest?

A seamless booking process is an essential start to the customer journey. But safety and security are top concerns as well. Consumers are increasingly nervous about fraud. Though just 10% of guests have experienced fraud (at an average cost of £564.08) as a result of staying in a hotel, 71% say they’re concerned about it.

It’s an issue we’ve seen in other industries. Our 2024 Retail Report showed that 12% of shoppers regularly leave online stores without purchasing because of security concerns and 26% feel more unsafe shopping today than they did 10 years ago because of payment fraud.

But the hospitality industry is particularly vulnerable due to legacy practices, such as over-the-phone payments, which are much less common in other industries.

How hotels view over-the-phone payments


of hotels offer manual, over-the-phone payments


claim it remains a popular option for guests

How guests view over-the-phone payments


of guests prefer not to pay over the phone


wouldn’t book with a hotel if their credit card details were requested over the phone

Our research shows a stark disconnect. In fact, 9% of guests were so put off by being asked to provide payment information over the phone it stopped them booking another stay with that hotel.

Making guests feel more comfortable

Hotel guests have always had preferences when it comes to payment methods, hence the rise of credit card points. But today’s guests want more than just rewards, they want security. Our survey shows guests have an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the payments landscape and the innovations that can protect them.

How to make guests feel more comfortable about providing payment information when booking:

  • 43% said being able to pay at the hotel upon check-in

  • 36% said booking directly with the hotel online

  • 44% said a secure payment gateway

  • 19% said more security checks

  • 21% said using trusted third-party payment processors

  • 11% said the option to book with virtual credit card numbers

Guests are concerned about fraud from a personal standpoint but for hotels it’s on a much bigger scale:


said their business has experienced an increase in payment fraud attack attempts in the past year


of businesses say fraud has incurred significant costs for them

Average amount hotel businesses based in Europe lost to fraud or chargebacks:


reported by respondents working onsite at owner-managed hotels


reported by respondents working onsite at franchise hotels

How Adyen can help deliver a safer experience

With the right security measures, a guest's personal details are safeguarded from the moment they book to the time they check out. Tokenisation replaces guests' confidential data with non-sensitive information.

“As guests we don't want to think about paying for things. We want to think about the experience that we're getting.”

Janine DiGioacchino CEO, QC Terme Spas and Resorts

Payment tokenisation is when a payment service provider, like Adyen, makes the tokenisation on behalf of your hotel. We store and tokenise a guest’s primary account number (PAN) and you can use the generated tokens for seamless transactions throughout their stay and to better understand your guests’ needs without compromising security. By tokenizing the payment details present in a reservation before it reaches your Property Management System (PMS), we reduce the PCI scope.

And guests love it too. Who wants to carry a credit card when getting ready for a relaxing spa day?

"Hotels are entrusted with sensitive customer information, including payment details and personal identification, which makes secure data handling a top priority. Our partnership with Adyen helps us create a safer, more secure experience for customers."

David Purcell VP, Global Products, Infor Hospitality

A smoother experience for everyone

How can hotels deliver the best possible experience for guests and their staff?

It’s clear the right technology can enhance the booking experience. But where it can really make the difference is in the day-to-day running of a hotel. The most obvious example is the hospitality industry, following the lead of retail, adopting apps and kiosks for quicker access to service. After all, if your guest can board their flight or book their taxi without human interaction, can the same be done when they check in?

Attitudes to human-free check-ins by generation:


of Baby Boomers want it


of Gen X want it


of Millennials want it


of Gen Z want it

While interest in technology to streamline the check-in process grows, there are less visible and more impactful ways for technology to be present in hotels and make for smoother stays and more efficient workplaces.

What stops guests rebooking a hotel stay

Payment issues

11% said problems such as card declines or incorrect charges, 9% said delayed charges or refunds, and 8% said overpayment due to error


14% said under-staffing, leading to delays in service or insufficient assistance with 10% saying a lack of personalisation

Credit card security

9% said a request to share card details with hotel over the phone while 7% said being asked to manually write down credit card information

Technical issues

14% said technical issues with room amenities or services

Check-in delays

13% said lengthy check-in or check-outs, resulting in delays or inconvenience

Booking errors

10% said incorrect booking information due to error

Guests want their stay to be seamless, safe, and stress-free

It’s a clear parallel with what guests told us they value at the booking stage. And, just as technology enables that experience, the right technology can alleviate the issues that prevent guests from having the stay they’re hoping for.

Meeting the moment

It’s striking to see the number of issues guests identified with payments. Given how many moments there are to pay during their stay — from room service to poolside drinks — it’s understandable. Flexible, reliable, and secure payments technology will enhance a guest’s stay.

Again, there are lessons to be learned from other industries where innovation is taking hold. In retail, Mobile point of sale solutions (mPOS) have gained ground in the retail space, freeing staff from behind the checkout counter to meet guests throughout the store and carry out transactions in a fast and convenient way. And simple, intuitive methods are now the standard in luxury retail, where up to 75% of transactions are done with Tap to Pay.

“Delivering a seamless guest experience means removing friction at every touchpoint. Mobile PMS, self-service options, and quick resolution of payment issues streamline operations and generate data insights, enabling hotels to provide personalized, efficient services that enhance guest satisfaction, drive loyalty, and support long-term business success.”

Chris Adams Senior Vice President, Oracle Payments

Unlocking the power of payments

But it isn’t just about offering new payment technologies, it’s about bringing together every element of your business. At its best, unlocking the power of all your payments data in a way that minimises the issues that stop guests from returning, such as technical issues and inaccurate charges, while freeing up staff to create the personalised experience guests increasingly expect. Access to data also means you can not just better understand your guests, you can reward them too.

Remember, it’s not just a guest treating themselves to a spa treatment or paying extra for a late checkout. It tells you something about who they are and what matters to them. Is your guest more likely to be found at a sunrise yoga class or enjoying a nightcap at the hotel bar? And how can that knowledge help you tailor their next stay?

35% of guests felt that hotels were rarely able to personalise the guest experience. Payments data can make the difference, from simple acts like using tokenisation to recognizing a returning guest, to building out a loyalty program and knowing which services to upsell based on the customer profile you’ve built.

How Adyen can help deliver a smoother experience

From booking to check-in, shopping and dining, through to check-out, Adyen brings all your payment services onto one platform. That’s one platform for online and offline, for all channels, for all locations, anywhere in the world with the flexibility to scale quickly.

One place with all your payments data to tap into valuable insights, optimise your business, and grow guest loyalty.

"In the past, we spent a lot of time behind computers, behind paperwork, and emails. Since Adyen, our day-to-day tasks have become easier and have freed up more time for staff to focus on guests. The staff have more time. The guests have more time. Everyone is happy.”

Santi Roggio Head Concierge, Grand Hotel Timeo, A Belmond Hotel

A smoother experience for everyone

The right technology can make for happier guests. But it can also create a happier, more efficient, and more productive workforce.

Even at the best of times, the hospitality industry found itself burdened by a patchwork of solutions. Now it’s been exacerbated by a labour shortage that, approaching the fifth anniversary of the pandemic, continues to be a real issue even as travel bounces back to pre-2020 levels.

To take the example of the United States, there are over a million unfilled roles in the hospitality industry according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Sticking with the U.S. market, it also has one of the highest turnover rates. That suggests an industry which always finds itself needing to train new employees on outdated systems, only to have to repeat this when those employees are replaced.

A recurring theme when we spoke to those on the frontlines of the hospitality industry was the time-consuming admin, carried out by an overworked, understaffed team.

25% said the amount of invoices their business receives isn’t manageable because they don't have enough staff

Reconciliation continues to be a particular challenge for the hospitality industry:

5 employees

on average support reconciliation

7 hours

is the average amount of time spent on it

Paperwork vs. personalization

12% told us they spent up to 20 hours a week on reconciliation. That’s 20 hours that could be spent talking to guests, upselling services, or gathering valuable feedback that turns those first-time visitors into repeat guests.

“With its innovative solutions, Adyen not only delivers a seamless journey to our guests, but also simplifies back-of-house reconciliation for our operational teams.”

Mark Chan COO, Frasers Hospitality


Offering the best experience

When it comes to the hospitality industry, the right technology can make all the difference. Guests can feel relaxed from the moment they make a booking, a feeling that only deepens when they check in and enjoy the whole experience. Employees can feel liberated from drudge work to provide the best possible stay for guests, while ensuring they leave happy, ready to return in the future. And hotels can feel similarly optimistic — making the most of the present, equipped for the future.

At the heart of hospitality is the idea of giving a guest the best possible experience, and knowing that experience is different for every guest. Adyen can cut through the complexity, allowing you and your team to focus on what you do best.

Partnering with us means centralising the management of payments across all channels and regions you operate in, while keeping an eye on the next opportunity, offering the flexibility to quickly open new sales channels and roll out new guest journeys. It’s one system, with everything in one place for faster, more accurate reconciliation and insights into your business’s performance and your guests’ needs. But speed doesn’t come at the cost of security. That remains our top priority and we make sure the leading names in hospitality are PCI compliant.

The Oetker Collection: Bringing a world-class experience to luxury hotels

Seamless Handling payments across multiple systems, agencies, and third parties is a common pain point in hospitality. Thanks to Adyen, guests staying at any of the Oetker Collection hotels worldwide enjoy consistency, paying how they want, from where they want, when they want.

Secure At The Woodward on Lake Geneva, a guest’s personal details are safeguarded from booking to checkout. Tokenization replaces sensitive data so guests can buy drinks or book spa treatments without presenting their card, entering a code, or signing a bill. The hotel can then only access these encrypted tokens through their PMS, reducing the risk of fraud.

Smooth With a single platform staff spend less time on reporting and more time reviewing the insights and data that will make a guest’s stay even more unforgettable.

“The reporting functionality is second to none and streets ahead of the competition. The Adyen portal provides clean reports which are easily exported – no need to manipulate downloads for reconciliation purposes which ultimately optimises processes “

Sam Dennis VP Finance, Yotel

Methodology The Adyen Index: Hospitality Report explores global and local trends impacting businesses around the world. This report combines business and consumer data across 19 markets.

Business insights Censuswide polled 7,661 hospitality accommodation merchants (aged 18+) across the UK, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, UAE, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, US, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden, and the sample size excluded sole traders with a focus on scaleups and enterprises. Research conducted: 31 May - 19 June 2024.

Consumer insights Censuswide polled 31,312 consumers (AGED 18+) in Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UAE, UK, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, and USA. There are nationally representative sample sizes across markets. Research conducted: 3 - 19 June 2024.

Deliver a five-star experience with Adyen

Discover why the world’s leading hospitality businesses rely on Adyen to exceed their guests’ expectations, from booking to check-out.