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Drive business growth with payments optimization

Discover global and local trends impacting online businesses around the world in The Adyen Index: Digital Report. Explore how payment optimization can help your business weather these trends.

20 October, 2024
 ·  4 minutes

Online businesses today face challenges from several directions. Macroeconomic obstacles, increasing complexity in the payment method landscape, and navigating how to leverage payment data, especially if they are expanding globally. We surveyed 34,000 consumers and 8,800 businesses in 23 markets to uncover what online businesses and their customers see as their biggest obstacles.

The path to sustainable profitability grows ever more complex, but the key to keeping up with the ever-evolving digital industry is to shift perspective – digital enterprises need to optimize payments and balance costs and conversion to gain an edge.

Here is a cross section of the key challenges in Singpoare.

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