EMMAÜS Solidarité

From the streets to a better life, fighting poverty unconditionally

Emmaüs Solidarité logo.
Emmaüs Solidarité was founded in 1954. A secular organization recognized as serving the public interest, EMMAÜS Solidarité works daily to ensure that everyone can find or reclaim their place in society. The primary focus of EMMAÜS Solidarité is on the most vulnerable individuals and families, those who are most marginalized and deeply affected by life’s hardships—those living on the streets. It is from these individuals and families, their experiences, their realities, and their aspirations, that the actions, activities, and methodologies of the organization are built. Every day, EMMAÜS Solidarité welcomes, shelters, and supports 7,000 individuals and families facing severe social difficulties. This is achieved through a network of around one hundred services and activities across Paris, the Paris region, and Loir-et-Cher.

Your donation in action

Your support will help bring to life various projects led by the organization: creating emergency shelters for homeless individuals, enhancing support for families and children, developing cultural initiatives, and launching projects aimed at improving the health of those housed and supported.

A man drinking a hot beverage at a Emmaus Solidarite charity table.

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