
Four ways retailers can balance customer experience with business efficiency in 2024

Discover insights from our latest consumer and business research, which explores how payment technology can help retailers meet rising customer expectations in an agile and scalable way.

April 8, 2024
 ·  4 minutes

55% of consumers will abandon a purchase if they can’t pay how they want. Forget the fact you’ve created an amazing product, enticed shoppers to your store or website, and got them to the checkout page - if you offer a poor payment experience, over half will leave without buying. 

On the flip side, great payment experiences can drive conversions, foster loyalty, and help build brand affinity. Customer experience is always high on the retail agenda. But today, the high cost of living and inflation are eating into both consumer spending power and business margins. As a result, business efficiency is also a hot topic in boardrooms around the world. This poses the question: 

How can retailers balance amazing customer experience with operational efficiency?

To find out, we surveyed over 38,000 consumers and 13,000 businesses. Download the full report below or read on for a summary of the four ways payment technology can help you delight customers without spiraling costs.

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