Tech stories

Consuming webhooks

By Beppe Catanese, Developer Advocate, Adyen

February 2, 2023
 ·  9 minutes
Person lying down using a smartphone and a laptop simultaneously.

Webhooks are an essential feature of the Adyen Platform. Payment flows often depend on external factors, like a third-party authorization. There are also events outside the control of the application that integrate with Adyen, for example triggered by customers (such as chargeback requests) or by administration functions (like the availability of a new report).

This is why we have created a sophisticated framework that caters to all those scenarios, addressing flexibility (how webhooks are set up and managed), reliability (retry and event logging), and consistency (events are delivered as they happen).

In this article.. find out how to set up, validate, and consume webhooks. Learn about best practices for an optimal integration.

You can also check out the “Creating and consuming notification webhooks” video on our AdyenDevs YouTube channel.

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