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A Deep Dive into Table Partitioning part 1 🐰: Introduction to Table Partitioning

By Cosmin Octavian Pene(Java Engineer) & Derk van Veen (Database Engineer), Adyen

July 6, 2023
 ·  15 minutes

In this blogpost, we kick off a series of articles on database partitioning at Adyen by explaining the fundamentals of partitioning. We cover the basics of table partitioning, its benefits, and the different types of partitioning. In our future articles, we will share about partitioning at scale and how we tackle it at Adyen: we will share some interesting challenges we went through, a deep-dive into benchmarking and advanced optimization techniques.

We use PostgreSQL as a database model, but the concepts we explain here could be applied to any relational database system.

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