India External Complaints Handling Policy

Adyen India Technology Services Private Limited

  • Purpose

    This Policy has been designed to resolve customer grievances in a timely and efficient manner, while treating our customers fairly and courteously, and in accordance with the applicable laws. The Policy is aimed to achieve the following objectives:

    • That all complaints are treated efficiently and fairly and dealt with in a prompt and timely manner;

    • That the customers are fully aware of the available avenues to escalate their complaints/grievances within the organization;

    • That the customers are aware about their rights for alternative remedies in case they are not fully satisfied with response to their grievance; and

    • To minimize instances of customer complaints and grievances through proper service, delivery and internal review mechanism.

    In order to achieve the above purpose, a ‘Complaint ’or ‘Grievance ’in terms of this Policy is defined as follows: An expression of dissatisfaction made to Adyen India, related to its services, or the complaints-handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected. A complaint may be oral or written. Under this Policy, negative feedback is not considered a Complaint. While this feedback is valuable for Adyen India to improve its service delivery, it does not require a resolution or formal follow up with the customer.

  • Types of disputes

    A detailed explanation of the typical types of disputes resulting in customer Complaints is set out below:

    1. Inadequacy of function/ arrangements made available to customers or gaps in standard of services expected and actual service rendered by Adyen India, in its capacity as a payment aggregator, as well as any third-party service providers.

    2. Amount settled to the customers’ account relative to the processed amounts;

    3. Fraudulent transaction(s);

    4. Failed transaction(s) on account of various factors not directly attributable to the customer such as disruption of communication links, time-out of sessions, non- credit to beneficiary’s account due to various causes, etc;

    5. Failed transactions where credits which could not be effected to the customer on account of lack of complete or accurate information;

    6. Delay in initiating a reversal transaction; or

    7. Delay in settlement.

    The customer has the right to register a Complaint if he/she is not satisfied with the services provided. The manner of registering the Complaint and internal escalation matrix for timely and satisfactory redressal is set out below.

  • Roles and Responsibilities

    Nodal Officer Adyen India has appointed a ‘Nodal Officer’ who has overall responsibility for regulatory and customer handling functions, and is assisted in this regard by customer support as well as other regulatory counsel of Adyen.

    Customer Support Adyen India utilizes a support function, which assists the Nodal Officer with complaints, including the initially receipt and investigation. Support seeks to gather and investigate all relevant evidence and information regarding the Complaint.

  • Complaints Redressal Process and Communication

    Transaction life cycle

    Briefly, Adyen India’s transaction life cycle for domestic transactions is set out as follows:

    Briefly, Adyen India’s transaction cycle for payment aggregator- cross border (import) is set out as follows:

    We recognise that a Complaint could be received at any point in time during a transaction life cycle, from a shopper making payment to a merchant, up until the point the transaction amount is received by a customer. The redressal process for any complaint is set out below. Adyen India is entitled to share information within the Adyen group entities including Adyen N.V. for providing efficient and effective redressal channels/mechanisms for customers. Customers shall be deemed to have consented to such sharing of information within the Adyen group.

  • Grievance Redressal Process


    Any Complaint should be registered through the following channels:

    1. by email at; or

    2. by letter to Customer Support, Adyen India Technology Services Private Limited,16A, WeWork Enam Sambhav C - 20,G Block Road, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai Maharashtra, 400 051 India

    3. Any other medium that Adyen India may make available on its website.

    At the time of registering a Complaint, the customer is required to provide his/her full name, preferred contact details and a description of the complaint along with the necessary required to identify the specific transaction. A helpline number is available for any guidance on registering a complaint as mentioned in the escalation matrix A written acknowledgement will be issued to the customer within one working day of receiving the complaint. The customers will be provided with a facility to track the status of the Complaint using such reference number. All Complaints received through the avenues mentioned above will be endeavored to be satisfactorily addressed within a maximum period of one month. In case of delay in resolution, the customer will be informed of the reasons of delay and provided with expected timelines for resolution of the issue, if so requested. In case Adyen India is unable to resolve the Complaint within one month, to the satisfaction of the customer, he/she may escalate the same to Level-2.


    A customer may contact the Nodal Officer directly at the following contact details, if he/she is not satisfied with the redressal provided above:

    • Designation: Nodal Officer

    • Address: Adyen India Technology Services Private Limited 16A, WeWork Enam Sambhav C - 20,G Block Road, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai Maharashtra, 400 051 India

    • Email:

    • Tel No: +91 8591467357

    The Nodal Officer will endeavour to resolve the Complaint within 10 working days. In case the Complaint requires further time to examine and investigate, the same will be explained to the customer with suitable rationale for extension of time.


    In the event Adyen India is unable to resolve the issue, the customer may approach the offices of the Ombudsman through the Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre, in terms of the Reserve Bank – Intergrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021.

  • Escalation Matrix

    As detailed above, we have formulated an escalation matrix to ensure that the customer’s concerns are routed and addressed by the right team.

    Escalation level Turn-around-time Name/ Team Email and contact

    Level 1

    One month

    Support function

    0008000403133 *Please note that the number is available only for assisting a customer however complaints must only be routed through written intimation to the email ID mentioned.

    Level 2

    Ten working day

    Nodal Officer +91 8591467357

    Level 3


    Ombudsman, Reserve Bank of India

  • Turn-around-time for each stage

    Adyen India complies with the RBI’s instructions on Turn-Around-Time (TAT) for resolution of failed transactions issued vide DPSS.CO.PD No. 629/02.01.014/2019-20 dated September 20, 2019. In relation to unsuccessful or failed transactions which are not directly attributable to a customer, i.e. disruption of communication links, time-out sessions, the following redress will apply:

    Description of the incident Timeline for auto-reversal Compensation payable

    Card Not Present (e-commerce)

    Account debited but confirmation not received at merchant’s system

    Auto-reversal within T+5 days

    ₹100/- per day if delay beyond T+5 days

    Unified Payments Interface

    Account debited but the beneficiary account is not credited (transfer of funds)

    If unable to credit the beneficiary account, auto-reversal by the beneficiary bank latest on T + 1 day.

    ₹100/- per day if delay beyond T+1 days

    Unified Payments Interface

    Account debited but transaction confirmation not received at merchant location (payment to merchant)

    Auto-reversal within T+5 days

    ₹100/- per day if delay beyond T+5 days

    All other payment methods such as automated teller machines, Immediate Payment System, Aadhaar Enabled Payment System, Aadhaar Payment Bridge System, National Automated Clearing House and Prepaid Payment Instruments do not apply to Adyen India.

    The above timeline is also subject to the availability of funds with Adyen India. In the occasion that the funds are in custody of the merchant or other payment system participant, Adyen India shall share the relevant point of contact for the customer to seek resolution.

  • Internal Compliances

    Internal guidelines for handling Complaints of any customer are as follows:

    1. All Complaints to Adyen India should be recorded and preserved for a minimum tenure as mandated under the applicable laws in accordance with Adyen Record Keeping Policy.

    2. An acknowledgment and unique reference number should be promptly provided to such person raising Complaints to Adyen India.

    3. Analysis of recurring issues and trends. In this regard, support function and the Nodal Officer should analyze on an on-going basis, complaints-handling data, to ensure that they identify and address any recurring or systemic problems.

    4. Periodic reporting and review by senior management.

    Adyen India has published details of the Nodal Officer and this Policy on its website. These details will be updated, from time to time.

  • Documentation

    Adyen India has entered into suitable agreements with customers, third-party service providers and other stakeholders, in accordance with the applicable legal framework.

  • Reason codes

    Presently, Adyen India does not have its own reason codes on its payment aggregator platform, and such reason code would be as provided by the bank or as per payment method.

  • Review of Policy

    The Board of Adyen India is responsible for reviewing and monitoring compliance with this Policy on a periodic basis. This Policy shall be reviewed at least annually, or if significant regulatory changes occur to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Policy and applicable RBI guidelines or any other statutory enactments, rules, the provisions of the applicable RBI guidelines or statutory enactments, rules shall prevail over and automatically be applicable to this Policy and should be read in tandem with the provisions of the Policy. The relevant provisions of the Policy would be amended/modified in due course to make it consistent with the applicable law. Any deviations from the procedures specified in this Policy shall be permitted only with the approval of the Nodal Officer. However, no approvals shall be granted where such a deviation results in breach of any circular, direction, order or guidelines issued by any regulatory authority including the Reserve Bank of India.

  • Version management

    Version Drafted/updated by Approved by Date of approval:

    Version 1.0

    Regulatory (India)

    Adyen India Technology Services Private Limited Board (“Adyen India”)

    June 1, 2021

    Version 1.1

    Regulatory (India)

    Adyen India Board

    August 31, 2021

    Version 1.1

    Regulatory (India)

    Adyen India Board

    May 17, 2022

    Version 1.2

    Regulatory (India)

    Adyen India Board

    May 08, 2023

    Version 1.3

    Regulatory India

    Adyen India Board

    April 22, 2024